Timberline Acres East


Does Timberline Acres have a Homeowners' Association?

Timberline Acres consists of three neighborhoods, two of which have an Association.

Timberline Acres North does not currently have a Homeowners Association.

Timberline Acres West Homeowners Association is managed by Koetje Builders.

Timberline Acres East Homeowners Association is managed by volunteer residents within the Association.

If you are a resident of Timberline Acres West and wish to learn more your Association then please reach out to Koetje Builders.

Is it mandatory to be in the Homeowners' Association?


How much are the annual dues?

$50 for Timberline East residents.

Towards what does this money contribute?

The upkeep of the common areas of Timberline East (maintenance of entrances and utilities), legal fees, social events, postage, printing of directories, etc.

How many homes are in Timberline East?

116 homes are built on 116 lots.

What streets make up Timberline Acres?

Timberline East: Woodpine Dr, Creek Edge Dr, Pine Edge Ct, Brookwind Dr, Jamesway Ave (partial), Foxboro Ln, Foxboro Ct,

Timberline West: Creek Edge Dr, Creek Edge Ct, Joshua Ct (partial), Thornbury Ln, Silver Fir Dr, Peachleaf Ct, Silver Fir Ct., Red Alder Dr, Sagebrush Dr, Pinehill Dr, Pinehill Ct

Timberline North: Jamesway Ave (partial), Fransworth Dr, Woodbrook Dr, Ternberry Ln

What school district is Timberline Acres in?

West Ottawa Public Schools . Our elementary school is Great Lakes and our middle school is Harbor Lights.

How far away is Lake Michigan?

Approximately 4 miles.

Are building sites still available in Timberline?

Yes, in Timberline Acres West and Timberline Acres North.

Which homes are currently for sale in Timberline?

Visit our area's multiple listing site: SWMRIC

Streets to search: Woodpine Dr, Creek Edge Dr, Creek Edge Ct, Pine Edge Ct, Brookwind Dr, Jamesway Ave , Foxboro Ln, Foxboro Ct, Joshua Ct, Thornbury Ln, Silver Fir Dr, Peachleaf Ct, Silver Fir Ct., Sagebrush Dr, Pinehill Dr, Pinehill Ct, Fransworth Dr, Woodbrook Dr, Ternberry Ln

What are the main rules of the Timberline Acres East neighborhood?

Legal documents are hard to read. What are the real rules of Timberline Acres? Here they are in layman's terms .

For the actual legal documents, go to our Documents, Reports, Minutes & Files page.

What is the procedure if I have a complaint about a neighbor?

First, try to determine if it is a complaint that could be handled with a respectful conversation between you and your neighbor.

Also try to determine if the complaint is an actual violation of our neighborhood covenants. Things like animal annoyances, burning, and noise are Park Township violations.

Lastly, it is best if you have at least one other neighbor to corroborate the discontent.

If you feel that you would like the board to be part of the resolution process, please fill out this form .

What happens if someone is in violation of a neighborhood rule?

A verbal notification is issued. If this does not fix the situation, then the board will address it more formally with a written warning and perhaps fines, liens, or police intervention (in rare instances).

Who is allowed to come to the Timberline Acres East board meetings?

Any member in good standing in the Homeowners' Association (dues are paid). Feel free to just observe or to bring up issues/complaints/concerns during the New Business portion of the meeting. Check the calendar for more details.